Thursday, December 31, 2009

5th Wheel Movers

Tuesday Hal moved a 5th wheel for someone down the street over to the next street, the guy did not have the blocks for under the jacks, so he put cement blocks and bricks under them. Of course the weight of the 5th wheel put cracks in the blocks. So the guy went out yesterday to get wood and Hal went over and hooked it back up to the truck to lift it off the cement and put the wood under the jacks.
Today we went to the park we were in last year and moved a friend's 5th wheel over to the lot beside us. She isn't here yet, but she was paying for 2 spaces, doesn't make sense, so we moved it before she comes down from Oregon.
Tonight is New Year's Eve, so we can stay in and relax, a little drink, shrimp, cheese and crackers to ring in the New Year.
Happy New Year to all!!!

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