Saturday, November 17, 2007


We arrived about noon today in Biloxi. Hobbes meowed the whole way here. We stopped at 2 rest areas, took him for walks on his leash, he walked really well, didn't seem as afraid of the trucks as before, but he will not potty outside. When we got set up in camp and I put him in Moose, he ran straight to litter box. Then he wanted to eat.

We went out to eat, then took a drive before it got dark to get some pictures. The pictures show a mixture of destruction and new building. Got one picture of a casino. Hotels and casinos seems to be building the most. Housing is slower.

It seems as if people up north think everything is back to normal here, probably because the casinos advertise it that way. There are still way too many people in FEMA trailers who will become homeless in the spring when FEMA wants their trailers back(what for, no one will use them again).