Saturday, October 24, 2009


Yesterday we drove from Amarillo,TX to Albuquerque,NM, it was supposed to be a quick easy drive. As you can see from pics, the country is vast with rolling hills.


These men are working on the railroad, miles and miles of tracks were being worked on.

A little snow on the mountains.

Then came the big parking lot. We sat for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, only moving a few feet at a time, not knowing what was going on, thinking if this were construction, they did a really poor job of getting vehicles around it. Another 1/2 mile and we found the reason. A semi-truck and trailer had jack-knifed, the truck hit the rocks on the mountain and burst into flames. It is really sad to see what can happen in an instant, something that changes your life forever or ends it.

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