Sunday, February 8, 2009


H in front of ferry to Alcatraz Island.
Approaching Alcatraz.

Sign says it all.
We did the audio tour of the prison.
Cells were 5' x 9' x 7'.
Courtyard where prisoners would spend 2 1/2 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Three levels of cells.
They weren't allowed to put of any pictures on the walls but they did allow some to have shelves to place personal items.
The remainder of the house where the warden lived.
The view of the city of San Francisco from Alcatraz.

A long view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Alcatraz was named by the Spanish for island of birds.
This afternoon we went to Kinty and Sue Lin's home. H went to college at ONU with Kinty and has not seen him for about 33 years. These are their grandchildren, Michael, Timothy, and Naomi.
May(Kinty's daughter), Ming and Michael(Kinty's daughter-in-law and son), Sue, Naomi, me, Timothy, Michael, H, Ming's father, and Kinty.
Me, H, Sue, and Kinty. They took us out for a Chinese New Year's dinner tonight. Food was very good, many dishes to try, with preparations different than traditional American. So good to see them again and to see their children all grown up and the grandchildren. We are staying with them tonight, not sure what we will do tomorrow due to much rain today.

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