Saturday, March 22, 2008

Arrival in Biloxi

We are now in Biloxi, we arrived last evening. Our trip here wasn't too bad except the roads thru Louisiana are terrible. The concrete joints have failed and it was constant bumps and jerks and many holes which are hard to miss if other vehicles are right beside you. When we arrived it was about 1730(5:30PM) and started setting up, which if you camp you know that means unhitching. Well at Camp Biloxi, where the campers are is on a slight slope, which means you have to lower the front of the fifth wheel down to get it level, it took us 3 tries to get it right because the front levelers only go down so much then stop, so you must have it right when you put them on the ground. 3 tries means unhitching, see how far down it will go then, hitching back up if it isn't right. After we got that done, H hooked up the water and electric.

I took Hobbes inside to eat, but because he waited so long, he doesn't eat much when we are driving, he gobbled the food down then went into lay down on our bed, then promptly had projectile vomiting all over the bed and carpet. After I got that cleaned up and did a few things inside, we noticed that the fridge was still on gas rather than electric and the ceiling fan and 2 light in the living area weren't working. We checked fuses, bulbs, turned breakers on and off, trying to figure out what the problem was. After doing everything else, H saw that our GFI on an outlet in the kitchen was tripped. After resetting that, everything worked.

It was so late by that time and we had not eaten, I was beginning to feel nauseated. So cheese and crackers was dinner. Hobbes ate a little more food and kept it down.

This morning everything is great, the sun is out and it is supposed to be 75. We want to drive over to New Orleans today, guess we had better get started.

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