Saturday, February 16, 2008


Valentine's Day night was not much fun. I started feeling ill about 8PM then diarrhea and vomiting ensued. I have not been this sick since I had food poisoning a long time ago. I was sick all night, remember RVs have tiny bathrooms. I even had a fever, I never get fevers. Good thing H was here, I certainly needed help.

Now H is getting sick, he has a sore throat and cough. I started him on Zicam, Vitamin C and rest.

We had a good day on Valentine'Day, we went to New Braunfels and had a late luch at The Gristmill, a very old building that was originally a gristmill, then a cotton gin until it burned in 1925. It was rebuilt in another area. This building has a lot of the old features. The brick and old wood they have added it makes it a really nice place. We ate outside overlooking the river. Then we walked around the town a little bit.

It rained a little yesterday, a lot during the night, and possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon. Then I hope it clears up. It is chilly today.

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