Saturday, January 19, 2008

I could used to this kind of winter.

Today is just about perfect, sun so bright that you cannot function without sunglasses. We spent part of the day biking, reading, sunning, and grocery shopping. I learned a lesson, in Yuma you don't go to the grocery store on Saturday or the first Wednesday of the month. Saturday everyone is there, the first Wednesday they give senior citizens 10% off. Too many people for me.

Yesterday we went to look at motor homes, they just are easier to park and set-up than 5th wheels. We won't be getting now, though we did find some really nice RVs, great prices too.

Last night we went to see a showing of "Giant" with Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, and James Dean. It was a fund raiser for the community food bank, they had appetizers and desserts, plus popcorn and sodas. I don't think I had ever seen the entire film before, it was fun.

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