Friday, December 28, 2007

Here it is Friday already. I haven't taken anymore pictures, we have been in a slow down mode. Wednesday we worked at the Interfaith Community Center again, helping to prepare and serve dinner. H pounded pork chops to tenderize, by the time he finished his arm was sore, it takes a lot of pork chops to feed 60 people. I chopped vegetables, helped find spices and other vegetables, and of course serve dinner.

Yesterday we really did not do much of anything. In the afternoon we watched videos. Today we did laundry, then Christa called and we went shopping with her and her daughter Mandy, her other 2 daughters and son-in-law have returned home. Mandy is here until the 10th. We didn't need to shop, but some of the sales were too good to pass. I got a sweater and a shirt. H got a jigsaw puzzle. He was looking for a CSI puzzle but could not find it. In fact he is working on it right now.

Hobbes is really becoming an outdoor lover. We put him in his carry case and sit him on a chair in the sun, he would love it if we left him there all day. Of course we can't, I would be afraid he would get out. We get him outside as much as possible. Right now he is curled up beside me, his favorite place.

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