Friday, December 14, 2007

Busy Day

Today we cleaned inside. You would think that a RV would not take that long to clean. But there is lots of wood to clean. H always helps. We also sent out packages. I said I was only going to shop on-line but I enjoy going to the stores to look. What I don't like is the traffic, especially if you are out at 3PM or later. Bumper to bumper. We thought it would be less busy up here in Escondido, but I think California is just busy. But up here we can see the mountains a lot closer. We can see the snow on some of them.

Tonight Christa and Bart are coming for dinner, I am not sure how she is going to get up the steps into the RV, metal steps are different than sturdy wood ones. She is on crutches and has an air cast since her fall Wednesday. One thing about being in a RV, we grill out a lot.

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